The Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities (ACEEU) is the only globally-operating quality assurance body with a focus on acknowledging engagement and entrepreneurship in Higher Education. As such, ACEEU strives to lead the way in a new era for higher education through evaluating, supporting and igniting the potential of HEIs on their road to third mission excellence.
Headquartered in Germany, ACEEU offers accreditation for entrepreneurship and (community) engagement on institutional (entire university) and divisional level (faculty, school, department). Universities engaging in ACEEU accreditation are united by their excellence in entrepreneurship and engagement, no matter if top 1% world university, or less known regionally-oriented institution.
About ARY
ARY mainly offers yacht models of the German concern BAVARIA - Yachtbau, with different lengths of 12.14, 17 m and others. Examples are yachts with 3, 4 double cabins, bathrooms with bathrooms, external stern shower, some of them with a large opening platform descending almost to the water, allowing to provide more space and comfort in use. With wide enough decks, you can walk 8, 10 people or more.
Inside the yachts there is a saloon with a functional and comfortable kitchen, a home theater system and many windows, providing pleasant natural light. For cooling in the hot summer days have air conditioning systems. Kitchen in a yacht: has a refrigerator, stove with gas hob, special yacht barbecue and everything you need to prepare an unforgettable dinner. ARY guarantees a quality and comfortable vacation for lovers of sea adventures.
ARY actively participates in a number of events related to organizing children's, youth, wedding and other parties.
ARY is a sought-after partner in the making of music and film videos and films.
ARY supports sports, active lifestyles while taking care of the environment with the use of eco-energy sources.
About AidLearn
AidLearn - Mission, Vision and Values
Be a lifelong learning reference organisation in Training and HR Consulting, both in Portugal and in the European Union, addressing with quality the real needs of customers through research, offering products and services with innovation that promote individual and/or organizational development.
To be among the main Actors of the market, being an excellence reference through the product quality, social responsibility, relationships and services, recognized by customers, collaborators, suppliers and the community in general.
Research-Action: Research and diagnosis as the key foundations for the renewal of practices and personal and/or organisational development.
Creativity: Innovative strategic solutions for competitive adaptation of organisations to the surrounding environment.
Consulting: Integrated and customized solutions for the implementation of viable solutions, flexible and personalised to the individual and/or organisational needs.
Evaluation: Monitoring and rigorous evaluation (at different levels) of interventions, training activities and project to encourage timely readjustments and assure the quality of processes, products and results.
Networking: Preference for work in collaborative multidisciplinary and multifunctional networks, both national and transnational.
About AYS
The Ale-Yacht & Survey Sl. is publicly officially registered company in Spain with headquarters in Valencia. The company is located in this beautiful coastal area in order to develop activities related to yacht tourism, charters, initiatives related to local cultural attractions and all socially useful activities.
The desire of people to discover new horizons and dream positively is a healthy approach to building personal happiness. Our company will help you to realize your wonderful relaxing holiday, to cheer up and gather energy in a wonderful sunny atmosphere with beautiful seaside landscapes. The convenience and comfort of our customers are paramount. If you want to experience wonderful and exciting sea adventures, please contact us.
The company develops activities related to:
- Yachting tourism;
- Charters;
- Private parties and celebrations;
- Organization of joint coastal cruises with included sports and attraction activities by agreement;
- Individual and team maritime initiatives and others.
About AEE
Spain Asociación Española de Ergonomia
Adress web :
President & IEA Council Member IEA. Francisco Javier Llaneza Álvarez.Tel: +34 984 19 88 38.
Secretariat General & Council Member IEA. Gustavo Adolfo Rosal Lopez. Tel: +34 984 19 88 38. Email: /
La Asociación Española de Ergonomia (AEE) es una sociedad técnico-científica de profesionales De La Ergonomia constituida un de finales de los años 80. Di marco internacional de referencia es la Association internationale d'ergonomie (IEA) creada hace 50 años. En nuestro país Existe desde 1997 des Nations Unies marco juridique au Québec comprende el programa formativo y el reconocimiento de nuestra disciplina por parte de la Autoridad Laboral, le péché Parangon con el resto de los países concernidos por la Directiva Marco. Pretendemos Québec en este mandato la mer AEE El Vinculo de referencia asociativa naturelles de los mas 50,000 titulados superiores en PRL Especialistas en Ergonomia y Psicosociología Aplicada, qué soi han formado en nuestro país.
Pero Côme sabemos la Ergonomia es más Que prevención de riesgos laborales y fuera del marco preventivo, di campo de aplicación, es muy variado, y no deja de evolucionar, traspasando el Ámbito laboral y Llegando a toda la sociedad: en la escuela, en los juzgados, en la universidad, en los centros de investigación ... diseño de automóviles, puestos de contrôle de Aeronaves, Trenes y máquinas, y otros productos mobiliario ..., donde desde diferentes Profesiones y formación, se realizan actividades con la Ergonomia Côme referente, pero no siempre con la participación de los ergónomos. La Cuestión Qué de ya planteó H. Murell, si sobre lo que es el mundo necesita Ergonomia o ergónomos, sigue Estando de actualidad en tanto Que los ELABORADOS conocimientos desde la «base pluridisciplinaire" aucun suficientes fils en si mismos, incluso aplicables fils sc, La sociedad necesita ergónomos Côme Gestores de conocimiento ese, difusores, comunicadores, profesionales Apasionados that trasladen el mensaje de ayudar a la transformación y cambio social.
Estamos asistiendo actualmente un non resurgir de la Ergonomia, creación de foros de encuentro entrepre ergónomos en las Comunidades Autónomas Côme paso previo à la constitución de las autonómicas asociaciones; non ánimo that desde el convencimiento de sentirse ergónomo soi expande de lo lo autonómico un nacional y de lo lo sociale laboral un, y that transformado en las palabras: expansión y evolución, constituyen los Objetivos de toda la Junta Directiva.
SI TU o ti tu empresa Estais interesados en el desarrollo de La Ergonomia, especialización y en su trabajo aplicacion un vuestro diario o vuestros productos, te animo un adherirte un asociación nuestra, todos ya quelques idées aportar las Energia y la Qué hacer QUE Han de nos sintamos orgullosos de pertenecer un con una asociación cuyos amendes nos identificamos y en cuyos medios participamos.
El Presidente, F. Javier Álvarez Llaneza
Además de los Objetivos fundamentales Que se Marca AEE en sus estatutos, conviene recordar that that par soi consigan esos Objetivos, la Asociación ha de funcionar. Y sólo funcionará cuando los socios un SIRVA par les algorithmes. Por eso Hacemos Hincapié en una tarea that the Asociación pas delegar puede: "Programar y realizar las acciones necesarias par conseguir mejoras económicas, sociales, profesionales, académicas y culturales de asociados sus» (Artículo 5 º apartado d, de los estatutos). Para este Que apartado de los estatutos soi cumpliera, la Asociación debería funcionar colegio profesional como un y, aunque esa méta está lejana, nada nos impide intentar unir nuestras fuerzas par situar, allá donde mer oportuno, la Ergonomia en lugar that the CORRESPOND junto a otras más disciplinas antiguas y instaladas ya en nuestra cultura con personalidad Propia.
El contacto y el intercambio de información con asociaciones hermanas de otros países ha de bénéfi une todos los Que lo practiquen. También la representación de nuestro país es en Europa tarea ineludible de la AEE.
El más Objetivo urgente de nuestra AEE es pues, conseguir Que todos los del país ergónomos tengamos conciencia de que pertenecemos une una asociación Que nos necesita ya la necesitamos Québec. Para ello la Junta Directiva está a la escucha y dispuesta un recoger cuantas sugerencias le lleguen.
Associaçao Portuguesa de Ergonomia
Adress web:
President: Pedro Ferreira
University of Lisbon
IEA Council Member: Teresa Cotrim
University of Lisbon
Secretary General: Carlos Miguel Lourenço
Santa Casa de Lisboa
Promover o desenvolvimento científico e a prática profissional da Ergonomia.
Zelar pela função social, dignidade e prestígio da profissão de ergonomista, promovendo a valorização profissional e científica dos seus associados e a defesa e o respeito pelos princípios éticos que deverão nortear a sua actividade.
Contribuir para a defesa e promoção da Ergonomia, devendo ser ouvida sobre os projectos legais que interessem à prossecução dos seus fins institucionais e, em especial, ao exercício da profissão.
Promover o intercâmbio de ideias e experiências entre os associados e organismos congéneres nacionais e estrangeiros, bem como, acções de coordenação interdisciplinar, quer ao nível da formação e investigação, quer ao nível da prática profissional.
Colaborar, patrocinar e promover a edição de publicações que concorram para a divulgação do conhecimento em Ergonomia.
Defender os interesses, direitos e prerrogativas dos seus associados.
About ÖAE
Austrian Ergonomics Society was established in 1973 at the Technical University of Vienna and re-established in 2012 hosted and located at Austrians Workers Compensation Board (AUVA). AES is organised as a society according to Austrian law.
About BES
De Belgische Ergonomics Society is gericht om iedereen, die geïnteresseerd is in de ergonomie, bij elkaar te brengen. Het doel is om een multidisciplinair netwerk te creëren voor het uitwisselen van kennis en ervaring. De BES wil de toepassing van de beginselen van de ergonomie nationaal en internationaal promoten.
Dit gebeurt op drie manieren:
Verspreiden van kennis en informatie
Aanmoedigen van onderzoek
Communicatie en samenwerking
The Belgian Ergonomics Society (BES) was founded in 1986. Among the members were representatives of the Ministry of Work, University Professors and ergonomists in the field. Today, BES has 200 members.
Active FEES membership
President national:
Alain Piette
Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social dialogue
Rue E. Blérotstraat 1, 1070 Bruxelles
Tel: +32 (0)2 233 46 28
Secretary national: Marianne De Troyer
Treasurer national: Caroline Pirotte
Contactperson FEES: Gaëtan Dusollier
IEA council member: Alain Piette
To promote ergonomics in a multidisciplinary way by:
Promotion of the broad knowledge on human-machine relations in every possible way;
Distribution of the knowledge;
Promotion of scientific research regarding all possible domains of ergonomics;
Promotion of training and education in ergonomics;
Contacting other organisations and institutions interested in ergonomics;
Representing ergonomics in Belgium on national and international level;
Application of the procedures to become European Ergonomist cfr. CREE (Center for Registration of European Ergonomists).
Each year a workshop or seminar is organised on a national level for all members. Themes are in accordance with recent themes on safety and health.
Both the Flemish and French speaking wing of the society organise each year two events (e.g. company visit, seminar with young ergonomists, ...).
BES takes part in the meetings organised on an international level (FEES, CREE, IEA).
Narrow contacts with other European societies (e.g. the Dutch society by cooperating with their journal).
CAPPADOCIA Innovációs Intézet Technológia Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság TURKEY
About Cappadocia Innovation Institute
Cappadocia Innovation Institute
Cappadocia Innovation Institute based in Cappadocia (Nevşehir, Turkey) is established in 2022 with a network of experienced professionals in different areas and started to act as a lab of innovative ideas. We clustered knowledge and experience on sustainable solutions for education at all levels, employment, entrepreneurship, migration, digital learning, social inclusion, curriculum development, greening policies among many others. Our partners are ministries, national bodies, provincial and regional directorates, local communities, municipalities, NGOs, foundations, educational institutions and sustainable, socially responsible businesses. We encourage new ideas, foster creativity and innovative thinking, and promote equality and diversity.
Although established recently, Cappinno’s team members implemented almost 50 European projects in governmental institutions and private sector. They hold a network of more than 200 collaborating partners in Europe.
CIII-HU-1506-01-2021 Ergonomics and Human Factors Regional Educational CEEPUS
The CEEPUS EHF Network includes transnational partners from 9 European countries from: Hungary, Austria, Bulgaria Poland, Romania,
Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia.
The CEEPUS Regional Education Network "Ergonomics and Human Factors" contributes to
the competitiveness of the Danube region, providing leading competence for products, processes and
human-oriented organizational innovations. The aim is to strengthen the cooperation of the participants
institutions and organizations, to create a formal academic structure for the exchange of undergraduate students,
master's and doctoral level, to participate in joint master's and doctoral programs and in long-term
plan to develop shared learning. The priority of the program is the implementation of a European system for
credit transfer - ECTS. The newly established network aims to facilitate the process of regional development
cooperation in the thematic areas of higher education and related research in
within the framework of interuniversity cooperation. The coordinators of the network "Ergonomics and human
Factors ”work together in various international ergonomics organizations - the International Association of Ergonomics
ergonomics (, the Center for the Registration of European Ergonomists ( and the Federation of
European ergonomic societies (
Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors (United Kingdom)
President: Alex Stedmon E-mail:
Chief Operating Officer: Tina Worthy E-mail:
The Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors is recognised through its Chartered status as the professional membership body for ergonomics and human factors in the United Kingdom. It is open to ergonomists and human factors specialists who are qualified, wish to become qualified or who have an interest in the discipline. It attracts senior researchers, academics and practitioners from around the world, who wish to join as members and to participate in CIEHF events. CIEHF activities raise awareness about the broad scope and positive impact of the discipline in all aspects of life and work
Using the concept of 'The Future Human', CIEHF identifies, organises and supports innovative and disruptive thinking that can make a significant contribution to life, wellbeing and performance. CIEHF’s core values drive the way it works:
Professional - maintaining the highest professional standards and ethical behaviour in research and practice
Inclusive - welcoming and respecting difference, recognising that diversity contributes to innovative thinking, design and solutions
Collaborative - generating and sharing knowledge and expertise to enhance integrated design
CIEHF’s mission is “To become the pre-eminent professional home and voice for human factors” and to do this, CIEHF:
Acts to promote and develop the discipline
Approves education and training courses
Grants membership to those meeting our standards
Offers opportunities for Continuous Professional Development
Operates a Code of Professional Conduct
Assesses and accredits consultancies to ensure quality, rigour and competence
Provides a conduit for anyone wishing to identify a qualified person or consultancy
Organises regular conferences, seminars, lectures and events, open to all
Provides leadership and editorial input for at least two international journals
Liaises and collaborates with cognate organisations in matters of mutual interest
Publishes a quarterly magazine, ‘The Ergonomist’ and other occasional publications, White Papers and guidance
Acts as a member of the European and International communities to advance knowledge and adoption of ergonomics and human factors
About CES
Croatian Ergonomics Society (CES)
assoc. prof. Ivana Salopek Čubrić, PhD e-mail:
Phone: +385 1 37 12 573
Fax: +385 1 37 12 533
Address: Prilaz baruna Filipovića 28a, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
Vice - president:
assoc. prof. Davor Sumpor, PhD e-mail:
Secretary General of CrES:
assoc. prof. Goran Čubrić, PhD
The Executive Board members are:
Prof. Tino Bucak, PhD
Prof. Tanja Jurčević Lulić, PhD
Prof. Diana Milčić, PhD
Prof. Kristian Jambrošić, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Goran Čubrić, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Ivana Salopek Čubrić, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Davor Sumpor, PhD
Asst. Prof. Irena Šabarić, PhD
Asst. Prof. Jasna Leder Horina, PhD
Activities of CrES members as well as CrES working bodies arise from our main objectives and strategies that were improved during several recent years and may be presented briefly as follows:
1. Increasing the number of regular members in Croatia;
2. Providing membership of prominent scientific and professional experts within the field of ergonomics from abroad in CrES;
3. Organizing lectures, discussions and exchanging of experiences for the members of CrES;
4. Continuing with activities of introducing the subject of ergonomics into the educational system in Croatia;
5. Organizing and implementing university study programs of ergonomics at undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels in Croatia;
6. Promoting implementation of ergonomics into professional practice in Croatia;
7. Supervising and improving professional work within the field of ergonomics in Croatia as well as starting active co-operation with CREE (Centre for Registration of European Ergonomists);
8. Organizing conferences within the field of ergonomics in Croatia;
9. Co-organizing, supporting and endorsing all conferences in Croatia as well as in the World which contain groups of topics from the field of ergonomics;
10. Organizing and co-organizing popular seminars for the extension of ergonomics in Croatia;
11. Associating and affiliating with other similar and related societies from Croatia and the World;
12. Co-organizing and attending the related ergonomic conferences of all ergonomics societies in Europe and the World that officially and really support the work of CrES;
13. Encouraging research work within the field of ergonomics in Croatia;
14. Active participation in the work of umbrella ergonomic associations in Europe and the World, such as FEES and IEA.
The Czech Ergonomics Association is a voluntary, independent Czech based organization whose main goal is to raise awareness of all aspects of ergonomics and there practical implications. Our members include professionals from all fields of ergonomics and human factors who are continually trying to improve people’s perception of ergonomics in everyday life.
The Czech Republic has a long term interest in the development of ergonomics, beginning in the 1970s when it started to become a more mainstream organisation.
Czech Ergonomics Association, z. s.:
independent professional society
member of the International Ergonomics Association – IEA
member of the Federation of European Ergonomics Societies – FEES
Our members include professionals from all fields of ergonomics and human factors such as: ergonomics and human factors in the work place, occupational health and safety, physiotherapy,
design and process engineering, interior design, architecture and education.In an ongoing way we cooperate with various professional bodies to continually improve the flow of both information and work experience
Our association promotes events throughout the year including ergonomic conferences, presentations, workshops, training programs, regular meetings etc.
Frequent cooperation between ourselves and various educational bodies
The Czech Ergonomics Association, z.s. is a registered non-profit organisation which operates within the Czech by laws.
Adress web :
Czech Ergonomics Association, Technická 1902/4, 160 00 Praha 6
President: MUDr. Lukáš Šoltys (
460 01 Liberec 1, Masarykova 699/9
Czech Republic
Vice-President: Ing. Martin Kyncl (
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering CTU in Prague
About Dentaprime
Dentaprime is one of the largest and most modern dental clinics in all of Europe. That is not by accident. In order to remain up-to-date as a dental clinic and to be able to offer patients the best possible treatments, Dentaprime relies on constant research and development.
Find out everything about our conference contributions, publications in leading and Scopus-indexed journals, the Future of Dentistry Award @Dentaprime, current development projects and our research and development partners.
DSGI Ergonómiai Mérnöki Iroda kft. HUNGARY
About DSGI
An expert checklist visit and evaluation, the essence of which is that we systematically evaluate the design of the workplaces (anthropometric control of layout, equipment supply - efficiency, safety -, furniture, storage, physical and mental load)
Group interviews, with which a narrower, dedicated group of employees is involved in the evaluation. These groups also contribute to the development steps.
Environmental measurements: lighting, climatic conditions, noise measurement in critical locations.
About (EU-OSHA)
EU-OSHA is the European Union information agency for occupational safety and health. Our work contributes to the European Commission’s Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work 2021-2027 and other relevant EU strategies and programmes.
About FEES
FEES is the Federation of the European Ergonomics Societies. Its mission is to enhance the recognition of ergonomics contributing to economic development, to quality of life, to health and safety at work, and to social progress in European Countries.
The formal foundation of FEES took place in the context of the 48th Spring Conference of the Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft in Munich, on May 7th, 2003. It is a network of the ergonomics societies in the various countries in Europe according to the description by the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) of IEA Networks. Members are ergonomics societies, not individuals. All ergonomics societies in Europe can be a member of FEES - inside the European Union landscape, but also beyond.
The governing body is the FEES Council, consisting of representatives of the member societies. All major decisions are taken by the Council, which meets at least once a year. The day-to-day administration is performed by the FEES Executive Committee, which is supported by working groups for specific issues.
Benefits to be FEES member:
to support the development of ergonomics in Europe
to influence the European Union (programs, legislation, etc.)
to develop interesting issues of mutual usage
to get reductions in expenses (registration costs, subscription costs (in the future)
to enhance mutual cooperation and coordination between the member societies
to create useful networks in the ergonomics world in Europe
to become informed about interesting EU facilities
to have access / entry to the ergonomics platform in Europe (e.g., the FEES website)
to influence other European organizations, of interest for ergonomics (e.g., European norms)
to learn about the experiences of other member societies elsewhere in Europe
to contribute to one ergonomics body, recognisable for the outside world
FEES supports - under the umbrella of the IEA - the development of ergonomics issues specifically related with the European region by:
enhancing mutual communication between various European ergonomics societies,
encouraging and facilitating contact and exchanges between ergonomists (educators, researchers and/or practitioners),
assisting in the organisation of European conferences about evolving ergonomics, in cooperation with the national societies.
Other objectives are concerned with
enabling the good establishment of ergonomics in EU policy and programmes,
assisting in the access to EU resources and facilities for ergonomics, and
stimulating networking in the widest sense for ergonomics.
FEES has initiated various activities, such as:
Establishing an European Task Force (EUTF), to promote ergonomics / human factors at the EU-organisation and its related bodies.
The dissemination of information about various facilities by the European Union for the FEES-members.
The preparation of this website, which is managed by a special working group, to facilitate cooperation and information-exchange between members and to communicate externally.
The organisation of FEES-sessions on actual European topics at the annual national conferences in the various countries.
Promoting European wide activities related with education, certification and accreditation in cooperation with the Centre for Registration of European Ergonomists (CREE).
The preparation and publication of promotional material, via the Communication and Promotion Committee.
About ERY
Finnish Suomen Ergonomia Yhdistys
Adress web:
Yhdistyksen historiasta
Active FEES membership
Finnish Ergonomics Association (In Finnish Suomen Ergonomiayhdistys, ERY) is an association for both people and organizations, that apply and promote ergonomics in their work. Finnish Ergonomics Association aims to enhance research, training, and communication in the field of ergonomics and human factors in Finland. Further it aims to support practical ergonomic work. Finnish Ergonomics Association participates actively in variety of networks in this area. Finnish Ergonomics Association is a member of the Nordics Ergonomics and Human Factors Society (NES) through which it is also a member of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA). Finnish Ergonomics Association is also a member of the Federation of European Ergonomics Societies (FEES) and participates in the activities by the Centre for Registration of European Ergonomists (CREE).
Suomen Ergonomiayhdistys ry
c/o Työturvallisuuskeskus
Yrjönkatu 29 C, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
The Board of Finnish Ergonomics Association 2021
Arto Reiman, President
Mr Reiman is an adjunct professor, D.Sc. (Tech) at the University of Oulu. Reiman leads a research team focusing on well-being at work and productivity. Mr Reiman represents the Finnish Ergonomics Association in the Board of the Nordics Ergonomics and Human Factors Society (NES).
Teemu Suokko, Vice President
Mr Teemu Suokko works as an occupational health and safety manager in MSK Group. Mr Suokko has a master’s degree in Health Sciences, majoring in ergonomics.
Asta Koivikko, Treasurer
Mrs Asta Koivikko works as an expert at the Finnish Center for Occupational Safety. Mrs Koivikko is an Occupational Physiotherapist and has also studied at the University of Jyväskylä in the physiotherapy teacher training program.
Elina Östring, Secretary
Mrs Elina Östring works as a specialist at the National Institute of Occupational Health. Mrs Östring is an Occupational Physiotherapist and she has a master’s degree in Health Sciences, majoring in ergonomics.
Jonna Patama, Member management and Communication
Mrs Jonna Patama works as an occupational well-being manager and product category manager at Treston Oy. Mrs Patama is soon finishing her studies for a master's degree in Health Sciences at the University of Eastern Finland with a major in promoting ergonomics and well-being at work.
Pirjo Hakkarainen, CREE contact person
Mrs Pirjo Hakkarainen is a university lecturer in ergonomics and well-being at work at the University of Eastern Finland. She is an occupational physiotherapist, a Doctor of Health Sciences, and a professional teacher.
Päivi Steffen, FEES contact person and Communication
Mrs Päivi Steffen works as the Executive Director of the Helsinki Triathlon. In addition to her main job, she works as a professional in occupational well-being & ergonomics, as a workplace supervisor and mental coach in business and in sports. Mrs Steffen has a master's degree in Health Sciences, majoring in promoting ergonomics and well-being at work.
Tuija Rönnholm, Member of the Board
Mrs Tuija Rönnholm works as a senior inspector for occupational safety and health at the Regional Administration of Western and Inner Finland. Mrs Rönnholm is an occupational physiotherapist and has a master´s degree in Health Sciences.
Pilvi Karjalainen, student issues/student thesis evaluation
Mrs Pilvi Karjalainen works at the university as a language and communication specialist and as a part-time university teacher of ergonomics. She has studied the factors that promote job engagement and well-being at work in the work of adult education instructors. Mrs Karjalainen holds a master's degree in Health Sciences, with a major in promoting ergonomics and well-being at work, and an M.A.
About SELF
French Speaking Ergonomics Society
The French Speaking Ergonomics Society was founded in 1963.
SELF is an affiliate member of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), a federation of the world's ergonomics societies.
Chair: Véronique POETE
Secretary General: Gabin GINDRO
Treasurer – internet delegate: Eric LIEHRMANN
Vice President (Internal affairs): Fabrice BOURGEOIS
Vice President (International affairs): Julien NELSON
Adress web:
About SELF, French Speaking Ergonomics Society
The Society’s mission is to promote the practice of, research in and teaching of ergonomics in France and at an international level (in francophone countries). It argues for the use of ergonomics in order to design usable and efficient products and interactive systems, to ensure occupational safety and health, and to optimize overall system reliability and performance.
Currently, the society has 2 standing committees:
The History Committee purpose is to foster preservation and interpretation of the history of ergonomics in francophone countries. Its work consists mainly in collecting historical information.
The Work-Risk Prevention committee focuses on the role of ergonomics in the prevention of occupational risks and promotes the exchange and dissemination of information concerning this topic.
The society has 657 members in France and other Francophone countries (282 full members, 265 affiliate members, 82 student affiliate members, 21 honour members, 7 sustaining members). Its members include ergonomists, occupational health physicians, psychologists, engineers, designers, and scientists, all of whom have a common interest in designing systems and equipment to be safe and effective for the people who operate and maintain them.
Members are employed in industries, universities and colleges, government agencies, consulting firms, public utilities, and other settings.
SELF has different categories of membership:
Full Member
Any person who fulfils two of the following criteria shall be eligible to become a full member of the Society: the person has a degree in ergonomics from an accredited college or university, he/she has a number of full-time years of applicable experience in human factors work or in teaching, she/she has contributed to the development of ergonomics. Full membership requires two endorsers that are already full members. Full Members may vote and hold office in the SELF’s board.
Affiliate Member
Any person who is interested in ergonomics, but who does not qualify for Full Member shall be eligible to become an Affiliate of the Society. Affiliate Members cannot vote, hold office, or represent themselves as full Members of the Society.
Student Affiliate Member
Any person who is enrolled as a full-time undergraduate or graduate student at an accredited college or university shall be eligible to become a Student Affiliate of the Society. Student Affiliate membership requires an endorser: a faculty member from the student's institution.
Honour member
Those who had significantly contributed to the development of ergonomics.
Sustaining Member
Corporate sustaining membership is available to companies and institutions interested in supporting the profession and the Society.
About GFA
Germany Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft
Adress web:
President and concil member IEA:
Prof. Dr. habil. Oliver Straeter, University Kassel, Work and Organizational Psychology.
Vice Presidents:
Prof. Dr.-Ing Martin Schmauder, University of Dresden.
Prof. Dr. habil. Uta Wilkens, Ruhr-University Bochum.
Secretary general and Treasure : Prof. Dr. Rolf Ellegast, German Social Accident Insurance, Email:
About the GfA
The “Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft” (GfA) supports and fosters the topic of Human Factors and Ergonomics in the German-speaking area as well as at European and international level. It aims at a healthy, safe and efficient live- and working environment by means of interdisciplinary research and design.
Together with its members and network partners, it addresses all people designing work and seeks for high societal impact. Key-value of GfA is a strong integration of science, social partners, practitioners and decision-makers.
The (working) society is subject to continuous change, which requires an appropriate development of Ergonomics/Human Factors. GfA iterates societal and technological changes and adapts its mission to actual issues in work design. It supports the transfer of ergonomic knowledge by appropriate platforms (e. g. congresses, workshops, publications, clearinghouses, consultation, job fairs).
GfA develops and guarantees professional standards by participating in various standardization processes, as a German partner for the certification as a European Ergonomist and by providing secured knowledge on ergonomics.
The GfA publishes the journal "Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft" with Springer and actually has about 460 members.
About HES
Greece Hellenic Ergonomics Society
Adress web:
President and IEA Council Member : Dimitris Nathanael, National Technical University of Athens. Tel: +30 210 7723938. Email:
Alternate IEA Council Member: Prof. Nicolas Marmaras, National Technical University of Athens. Tel: +30 210 7723492. Email:
Secretary. Nikos Zarboutis, WORK SYSTEMS. Tel. +30 2155305544. Email:
The Hellenic Ergonomics Society (HES) was founded on July 1988 and became an IEA federated society on August 1994. Its objective is the advancement, proliferation and promotion of ergonomics science through the collaboaration, knowledge sharing, methods and practice, and experience among Ergonomists but also among professionals originating from other disciplines, whose domains of experise include the research and understanding of the contribution of human activity in design, production and use of equipment, indicators and production means.. The Hellenic Ergonomics Society currently counts 43 full members. In their majority they are engineers. The rest are physiologists, occupational physicians and professional from related disciplines.Four members of the HES have been accredited with the Eur.Erg. title (European Ergonomists).
Objectives and Goals
According to its charter, the Hellenic Ergonomics Society serves the purpose of advancing, proliferating and promoting the science of Ergonomics, the conduct and implementation of research in related domains and the representation of Greece to international organisations.
The Netherlands - Human Factors NL (HFNL)
Adress web:
President: Marijke Melles (
Secretary General: Sander Vries (
Treasurer: Reinier Hoftijzer (
Active FEES membership
Human Factors
Human factors of ergonomie speelt in ons dagelijks werk en privéleven een belangrijke rol. Zonder dat we er vaak alert op zijn. Pas als de human factors niet in orde is valt het op. Het vakgebied human factors houdt zich bezig met het ontwerpen van de omgeving, processen en werkplekken, producten of informatie waarmee wij -de gebruikers- optimaal kunnen functioneren. Human factors is terug te vinden in auto’s en openbaar vervoer, kleding, software, handgereedschappen, machines, kantoren, productie: kortom in producten, processen en organisaties.
Wat kan human factors bijdragen aan mijn organisatie?
Naast sociale doelen (arbo) kan human factors ook bijdragen aan economische doelen van een organisatie. Met gebruiksvriendelijke producten kan een bedrijf haar klanten voordelen bieden die verder gaan dan die van concurrerende producten. Met mensvriendelijke productieprocessen kan een bedrijf de arbeidsproductiviteit verhogen en daarmee belangrijke kostenbesparingen realiseren. Vanwege het groeiend besef van het belang van mensen (klanten en medewerkers) voor het succes van organisaties, kan ergonomie van strategische waarde zijn voor het management van organisaties.
About IMC
Targeting the future: Strategy of IMC Krems
As a private educational enterprise and an internationally-focused university of applied sciences, we need to lead the way – pursuing innovative approaches and questioning the existing way of doing things – in order to have international recognition.
The strategy document, Targeting the Future, zeroes in on this kind of change and development. Our vision, our mission and our values have been developed and, together with the strategic guidelines, form the basis for our strategic goals. The operational targets for the next three years are derived from the strategic goals.
Ireland Irish Ergonomics Society
President & IEA Council Member. Dr. Leonard O'Sullivan, Lecturer, D&MT Department University of Limerick Ireland. Tel +353 61 234249. Emai :
Secretary: Dr Maria Chiara Leva, School of Psychology. Tel 00 353 1 896 2916. Email:
History of IES
An informal group was formed in October 1984 and in March 1985 it was accepted as a Regional Group of the Ergonomics Society (U.K.). The Group ran seminars once or twice per year and was involved from 1985 onwards in the development of the ideas and processes for a "European Ergonomist". The aim was to provide the mechanism for establishing and controlling a recognised professional level for Ergonomists throughout Europe, in order to provide mobility between member states and to protect the public from those who are unqualified and/or not competent. The standards were agreed in 1992 and provided the mechanism for the Irish Ergonomics Group to become a fully Irish society.
A constitution was approved at an AGM in March 1993 and the Irish Ergonomics Society was formally launched on 5th March 1994 when the first Annual Conference was held at the University of Limerick. The Society was admitted to the International Ergonomics Association as an Affiliated Organisation at its 12th Triennial Congress in Toronto on 14th August 1994. This makes it the officially recognised society for Ergonomics in Ireland. The IES became a Federated Member of the IEA (that means full voting rights etc.) at the IEA Council Meeting in August 1995.
The Society also represents Ireland on the Council of the Centre for the Registration of European Ergonomists (CREE) which was incorporated legally in the Netherlands on 1st October 1995 and which administers the registration process. In June 1998 five applicants from Ireland were accepted as European Ergonomists. Membership of the Irish Ergonomics Society is available to people with a degree (or equivalent) in the Ergonomics area, or some other degree with either the equivalent of two years of full-time work in Ergonomics or have published two scientific papers in Ergonomics. Those who do not meet these requirements but are interested in Ergonomics can join as Associates. Appropriate postgraduate courses are on offer at the University of Limerick (part-time) and at University College Galway (full-time) and at Queen's University of Belfast (full-time).
Currently total membership stands at about 65 but is growing all the time as the Society becomes better known. The main activity is the Annual Conference supplemented by a regular newsletter with information collated from all around the world. The Society also processes applications for European Ergonomist on behalf of CREE and has occasional input to general matters of Ergonomics e.g. when the term is used incorrectly in the media, or when requested to advise on standards such as in regulations.
KOHS - Austria
About TUKE
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KOHS - das Unternehmen
Die KOHS ist eine österreichische forschungsorientierte Organisation spezialisiert auf die Bereiche Ergonomie / Arbeitswissenschaft, Organisationsentwicklung sowie die Arbeits- und Sozialforschung.
Die Entwicklung innovativer Technologien, Methoden und Modelle sind ein wesentliches Handlungsfeld der KOHS.
Die KOHS bietet Instrumente zur Analyse und Steuerung von Risiken bei der Arbeit. Die KOHS forscht und entwickelt im Bereich Arbeit und Gesundheit seit 1997 und hat das erste "just-in-time" PIMEX System entwickelt. Technologien der KOHS kommen weltweit zum Einsatz.
Die KOHS verfügt über umfangreiche Erfahrung in internationalen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekten, sowie Projekten des Wissenstransfers, der Implementierung und der Standardisierung. Ein weiterer Arbeitsbereich ist die Evaluation.
About TUKE
Košice Technical University is one of the leading universities of technology on a national basis, also known internationally for its expertise and the innovativeness of its educational offer. Košice Technical University (TUKE) was founded in 1952 and consists of nine faculties: 1) Mining, ecology, process control and geo-technologies, 2) Materials, metallurgy and recycling, 3) Mechanical engineering, 4 ) Electrical and computer engineering, 5) Civil engineering, 6) Economics, 7) Production technologies, 8) Arts, 9) Aeronautics. The university has three campuses in two different cities. All the crucial activities of the University are provided by 1800 employees (about 900 are pedagogical staff and 150 researchers). There are also over 60 professional staff members who come from abroad. TUKE meets a wide range of educational needs not only in the eastern Slovak region but throughout Slovakia and central Europe. The university offers more than 400 accredited study programs in a full range, from Bachelor to Doctorate. Over 11,000 students are studying at the university, of which over 1,200 students come from more than 40 countries. Five centres of excellence and five leading Slovak research groups cover the University Science Park TECHNICOM. The University is part of numerous partnerships thanks to which it collaborates closely in scientific areas with more than 90 universities from almost 30 countries. These research groups have successfully completed many high-level projects at the university and they are still working on several high-level scientific projects. All TUKE Faculties collaborate with commercial partners with the aim of transferring the research results to the corporate dimension. The application of scientific results is a very important strength. The University is currently carrying out research projects funded by Horizon 2020 in areas related to those of the ErgoDesign project.
Latvia Latvian Ergonomics Society
Adress web :
President :Dr. Med. sc. Zenija Roja.Tel +371 29739399. Email:
Secretary : Henrijs Kalkis. Tel +371 29739399. Email:
Develop understanding about ergonomics essence in providing human life quality as well as work life quality
Educate public in ergonomics field by working out necessary guidelines and by popularizing good praxis example in Latvia and other places in Europe
Educate members of society, employers and employees with training of ergonomics risk factors identification, assessment and prevention
Promote science based practical and businesslike research projects in ergonomics and joined fields (in workload ergonomics, cognitive ergonomics, organizations and design ergonomics)
Take part in legislation work development that is essential for ergonomics, including occupational health as well as labor protection questions, collaborating with necessary ministries and other governmental institutions
Promote ergonomics discipline development as separate science branch in Latvia and develop profession – ergonomist – also taking part in profession standard development
Promote collaboration with governmental (societies) and nongovernmental organizations that grapple with ergonomics questions and problems.
Latvian Ergonomics Society mission
Latvian Ergonomics Society mission is to promote ergonomics scientific and practical development as well as understanding among society about ergonomics essence in human life and work quality
About TUL
The establishment of the Lodz University of Technology is strictly associated with the history and development of the industrial Lodz.
Thanks to incredibly fast development of textile industry in the second half of the 19thcentury Lodz became the second largest city in the area of Poland. This situation required highly qualified employees, namely graduates of higher technical schools. A long battle of establishing a technical university inLodz began. The first actions were taken after the fall of the January Uprising. Appointing a Polytechnic Institute in Lodz was planned. The initiative case was piloted by the General Director of the Government Committee for Public Enlightenment – Witte. The courses were supposed to begin in 1865. Some area within the city was donated to the future university, verdict of the competition for design of the university building was announced, temporary rooms hired and professors recruited. Works on equipping the Institute with teaching aids, machines and books were in progress. A draft of The Act on the Institute was prepared, the final version of The Act was sent to the Tsar for signature on 13 July 1866. Unfortunately the Tsar did not accept the idea of establishing the Polytechnic Institute.
By the end of the seventies of the 19th century the trials to establish a technical university in Lodz began once again. On 31 January 1876 the Town Council sent a letter to the Piotrkow Governor asking for his support in the cause. The industrialists and merchants of Lodz committed themselves to securing a credit from the bank and donated sites for building of the Institute. Unfortunately also these efforts turned out ineffective.
After regaining freedom by Poland, in 1921 a motion was made to establish a Technical University. Yet the government turned out unfavourable to Lodz, and the idea fell through again.
It was no sooner than after the 2nd World War that the idea was brought into existence. After a few months of efforts by the Lodz authorities a decision was made in the Ministry of Education that “the necessity to establish a technical university in Lodz does not demand further justification”.
On 8 May 1945 Professor Bohdan Stefanowski from the Warsaw University of Technology came to Lodz. The following day, assisted by his closest associates he started to work intensely on creating the university.
The city authorities granted temporary premises to the university. The starting point of the university’s own premises were the buildings of former Rosenblatt factory situated nearby the downtown of Lodz.
The decree that officially brought the Lodz University of Technology into being was signed on 24 May 1945. The university’s first faculties were Mechanical Engineering with Textile Engineering Unit, Electrical Engineering and Chemistry. 525 enrolees were admitted to the first year of studies, 458 students continued their further years of studies. The university had 33 departments with 33 professors, 15 senior lecturers and 53 assistant professors.
The university developed dynamically. The buildings of Rosenblatt factory were quickly adapted. With every year the premises of the university were improving, the number of students and academics was increasing, and the tasks of the university were more and more challenging.
About MET
Hungary Hungarian Ergonomics Society
President: Eur. Erg. Dr. Gyula Szabó, Óbuda University. Tel: +36 (1) 666 5431. Email:
Secretary General: Dr. Ferenc Kudász, Occupational Health Doctor Email:
Board members:
Eur. Erg. Gábor Mischinger, Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Tel: +36 (1) 463 3060. Email:
Erika Jókai PhD Eur Erg, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, email:
Dr. Vargáné Dr Papp Éva, AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. email:
The tasks and objectives of the Hungarian Ergonomics Society
The objective of the Hungarian Ergonomics Society is to contribute to the enhancement of culture of Hungarian workplaces, work conditions and products. The Society aims to strengthen the position of ergonomics as a profession, in order to facilitate the emergence of human factors in production, products and services to support the implementation of economic objectives. MET provide a professional forum for those involved in ergonomics as professionals and information training and services for users and people interested.
One of our main task is: to provide information for our members, to link them into information channels (of Europe or world wide). It is of major importance for us to cooperate with interest representative bodies of the country with public institutions responsible for coordination, with domestic and foreign professional organisations.
One of our tasks is to organise different professional events. MET organise the ergonomic summer university every year with international participation and some thematic professional days. We plan to broaden education and set up a round table together with lecturers in the higher education in order to facilitate high level ergonomics education. MET is launching a harmonised ergonomics training programme of high standard providing knowledge and skills in the field of ergonomics with the involvement of domestic and foreign universities.
In order to develop a professional culture for ergonomics we have established a national committee of the registered Centre of European Ergonomics under the frames of the Hungarian Ergonomic Society which is preparing and proposing the award of Eur. Erg to Hungarian speaking ergonomic professionals. MET representing at national level ergonomics as a profession therefore we are members of the International Ergonomics society (IEA) the Federation of European Ergonomics Societies (FEES) and the German Organisation, Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (GfA).
About NTUA
The National Technical University (NTUA) is the oldest and most prestigious educational institution in Greece in the field of technology and has contributed to the country’s scientific, technical and economic development since its foundation in 1837. NTUA is divided into nine academic Schools, eight for the engineering sciences and one for the general sciences. The total number of undergraduate students is about 13000 and the graduate and PhD students 1500. The School of Mechanical Engineering of NTUA excels both in Greece and internationally, thanks to its advanced level of studies and to its internationally acclaimed research. The members of the School, apart from the teaching and other educational activities, work with the support of graduate students and a considerable number of external collaborators for the production of knowledge in the theoretical and applied areas of their interests. The success of their efforts is proved by the numerous publications in International Scientific Journals and Proceedings of International Conferences as well as by the increasing number of financed research projects (EEC and Greek Public and private Organizations). The Section of Manufacturing Technology of NTUA occupies 3200 m2 of laboratory space. The facilities of the lab include state-of-theart machine tools such as CNC lathes and machining centres, grinding machines, a sinking EDM, 3D printers for additive manufacturing and plasma spray for coatings among others. Besides the aforementioned equipment, testing machines for tension/compression tests, bulge test and fatigue test, materials testing and inspection facilities with optical microscopes, Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), residual stresses hole drilling device, profilometer, micro-hardness measuring device, robots, 3D scanner, CMM and VR installations can be found in the laboratory. Furthermore, a fully equipped lab for the preparation, testing and processing of composite materials is installed within the laboratory of Manufacturing Technology. Additionally, the Laboratory of Manufacturing Technology possesses equipment and tools suitable for processing hard-tomachine materials, machining at high speeds and precision machining. Finally, special software for CAD/CAM systems, modelling and simulation can be found in the lab and are used in connection to the equipment and activities of the research of the team of the lab. Rapid Prototyping & Tooling – Reverse Engineering Laboratory (RP Lab) is part of the Department of Mechanical Design and Automation Control of the School of Mechanical Engineering NTUA and was first established in 1996. Its research team consist of two professors, one research and teaching associate, 10 PhD students and more than twenty undergraduate and MSc students. The main areas of research and services provided by RP Lab include advanced engineering design of components and products using parameters such as cost minimization, quality assurance, environmental considerations etc, integration of CAD with CAM and CAE, dimensional and geometrical accuracy, analysis and stacking of tolerances, rapid prototyping and tooling techniques, reverse engineering design and additive manufacturing (3D printing). The infrastructure of RP Lab includes a variety of 3D printers (i.e. Stratasys FORTUS 360mc, Creality3D Cr10 S5, Anycubic Photon, Nobel Advanced), a coordinate-measuring machine (CMM-type DEA/ Brown & Sharpe/ Mistral/ PH10M/TP200 Renishaw Head, 700x700x500), two portable CMM machines (FARO – CMM (Contact & Non-Contact-Laser camera) – 6 DOF, work sphere 2,8m), a custom 3-axis router for manufacturing of small scale RP components/ prototypes/moulds and a fully equipped mechanical workshop (lathe, CNC centre etc.).
About NDF
NORDIC DIASPORA FORUM (NDF-NGO). The NDF is based in Stockholm, Sweden with the objective of building bridges with Europe and the rest of the world in terms of mobility, education and innovation. The forum has been created by a young group of professionals with different cultural and geographic background; the forum is operating with antennas in more than 8 European countries and is composed by more than 18 partner organizations active in the Nordic Region. On local level, it is operating in Stockholm, in strong cooperation with more than 50 organisations, such as public and private bodies, educational institutions and research centres, local governmental bodies and others. The activities of the forum are directed to stimulate youth active citizenship and are inspired on the principles of human rights and democracy, equal opportunities; the actions undertaken by the forum aim to promote the value of social inclusion, peace and nonviolence, interculturality and to spread the message of European diversity.
Focus areas:
Green Transition and Energy Access
Digital Transformation
Adult Education
Vocational Training
Social Inclusion
Youth Empowerment
Active Citizenship
About OU
Mission and goals
Óbuda University (ÓU), established in 1879, is the second largest but highest ranked Technical University in Hungary. It aims to achieve the triplet of excellence in education, research, and innovation to address societal challenges and contribute to sustainable development on national, regional and EU level. ÓU has seven faculties and three doctoral schools, one excellence centre, and eight research labs. ÓU is participating in multiple international organizations and bilateral and international programmes (currently over 20 EU financed scientific projects). It has international relations with 90 countries, and participates 300 higher education programs and partnerships and has over 250 education and mobility agreements. ÓU offers innovative BA/BSc, MA/MSC, and PhD curricula, dual degrees, challenge-based approaches and an up-to-date, student-friendly, creative and supporting environment for students in order to enable them respond to the challenges set out by our globalized world, laying emphasis on both basic and applied research, internationalization, sustainable development, improvements in technology, RDI, lifelong learning, and interaction and cooperation with the industry. In the last 10 years, ÓU’s research is expanding into fields that are in the major problem areas of today’s societies: health and sustainability. ÓU’s mission and vision are underpinned by fundamental values such as nurturing entrepreneurship, openness, tolerance, dialogue and diversity to fulfil its responsibility as a higher education institution contributing to positive societal change.
The fundamental mission of the University is to serve the interest of society, the economy and our industrial partners through the transfer and constant development of high level knowledge and skills and innovation.
Vision/Core values
The highest value of the university are its students, as well as its qualified professionals, engineers, computer scientists, economists, engineering teachers and doctors who provide the trademark of the University. A key task in education is to improve students’ critical thinking skills to develop initiative, tolerant, empathetic behaviour, professionalism, creativity, entrepreneurship, national affiliation and relationship-building skills as well as a strong personality.
The main aim of the University is to develop a new, multifaceted model of higher education. A university that offers a network-based approach, practice-oriented, industry-oriented, high-level higher education vocational training, undergraduate, master’s and doctoral programs, as well as a wide range of international research and development and innovation activities to responsibly serve the needs of the society nationally, regionally and globally through educating the next generation of global citizens.
The University continuously develops its activities in the form of project-based education based on real corporate tasks and the establishment of incubator units by cooperating with key players of the economy and the local communities, the companies, their research sites and laboratories. The improvement of the internationalization in both education and research is of high priority at Óbuda University.
About OpenCom
OpenCom is a research centre and training organization located in Arezzo (Tuscany, Italy), active in non-formal and work-related training, social research and accountability improvement, project management, quality management, risk management and knowledge management. We are skilled in the elaboration of innovative professional frameworks which respond to the new trends of the labour market and provide individuals with skills that foster their employability.
We are members of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASVIS), and we are Accredited Training Organisation for Project Management, PRINCE2 method, and we train people worldwide. All our staff members are certified project managers PRINCE2 Foundation level since project management is a mindset and an organizational culture.
We use Active Learning Methodologies to enhance independent learning, lifelong learning, and critical and systematic thinking of individuals, supporting their sustainable employability and career development.
Our multimedia department and LMS department collaborate to produce innovative didactic materials that enhance e-learning of individuals through flexible, adaptive and individualized training.
We are the Eurodesk Contact Point for the Province of Arezzo, Tuscany, covering and engaging roughly 15000 secondary students and 78 Secondary and VET institutions.
We have a network of around 200 partners in 34 countries Worldwide.
About CREE
The Centre for Registration of European Ergonomists (CREE) is a unique organisation within ergonomics in that it harmonises the certification practices of the ergonomics societies within a large geographical area, covering multiple countries. The national member societies have agreed on the necessary standard of knowledge and practical experience requried to become a certified European Ergonomist. It is administered by the CREE Council, which is composed of representatives from each member society. CREE is the only body endorsed by the International Ergonomics Association to certify professional ergonomists in Europe.
The CREE confers the professional title “European Ergonomist” to designate qualified and experienced members of the profession. The quality of their professional practice and their education has been peer-reviewed and they must adhere to a professional Code of Conduct. The CREE certifies all applicants who are assessed as meeting the specified minimum requirements. It is not necessary to be a member of a national society to obtain certification. Applications are welcomed from any qualified ergonomist, provided that he or she works within the member countries of the Council of Europe. In exceptional circumstances applications can be accepted from outside Europe. Please contact the Secretary General, if you have an enquiry about this.
The structure and operation of CREE is designed to comply with the International Standard ISO/IEC 17024:2012(en) “Conformity assessment — General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons”
History and aims
In the years prior to the emergence of open borders for labour movement in Europe, it was evident to the national ergonomics societies within the European Union that some common agreement on the level of expertise to be expected of a competent ergonomist was required for the benefit both of those wishing to use the services of ergonomists and of the members of the national societies. To this end representatives from the larger ergonomics societies federated to the International Ergonomics Association collaborated to prepare an agreement. In June 1992 a report on recommendations for the harmonisation of professional training was published (HETPEP). From this base the minimum requirements for registration were defined.
The Centre for Registration of European Ergonomists CREE was established in 1994 to undertake and administer the registration process. Changes to the minimum requirements for registration are undertaken only rarely and in consultation with the member societies.
About ErgoWork
Ergonomics & Workplace Management Society [ERGOWORK] is a scientific and professional non-governmental organisation from Romania that develop good practice, educational and research activities in the ergonomics plus workplace management fields and all included or connect disciplines as: facility management, maintenance, operations and process management, human resources management, financial management, psychology / sociology of work, occupational medicine, workplace safety, interior design and architecture. ERGOWORK is member of Federation of the European Ergonomics Societies (FEES).
Derived from the Greek ergon (work) and nomos (laws) to denote the science of work, ergonomics is a systems-oriented discipline which now extends across all aspects of human activity. According with IEA and FEES ergonomics promotes a holistic approach in which considerations of physical, cognitive, social, organizational, environmental and other relevant factors are taken into account . Consequently both international association consider now three main domains of specialization:
Physical ergonomics is concerned with human anatomical, anthropometric, physiological and biomechanical characteristics as they relate to physical activity. (Relevant topics include working postures, materials handling, repetitive movements, work related musculoskeletal disorders, workplace layout, safety and health.)
Cognitive ergonomics is concerned with mental processes, such as perception, memory, reasoning, and motor response, as they affect interactions among humans and other elements of a system. (Relevant topics include mental workload, decision-making, skilled performance, human-computer interaction, human reliability, work stress and training as these may relate to human-system design.)
Organizational ergonomics is concerned with the optimization of sociotechnical systems, including their organizational structures, policies, and processes. (Relevant topics include communication, crew resource management, work design, design of working times, teamwork, participatory design, community ergonomics, cooperative work, new work paradigms, virtual organizations, telework, and quality management.)
One of the recent definitions of the ergonomics is as the science of fitting workplace conditions and job demands to the capabilities of the worker.
From the perspective of ERGOWORK workplace management is approached in the relation with the recently view provided by the international networks of facility management and the discipline of facility management (FM) in connection with the scientific, traditional, approach of ergonomics.
About UPT
Established in 1920, shortly after the union of Romanian territories, in a European context marked by the redefinition of states and by the aftermath of World War I, the Polytechnic School in Timisoara - as was originally called - was the answer to one of the requirements of the Romanian society of the time, namely the formation of engineers.
Politehnica University Timisoara, a university of advanced research and education, is today one of the traditional Romanian schools and is recognized nationally and internationally both through the work of generations of teachers and the outstanding work of prestigious academics.
According to tradition, the mission of Politehnica University Timisoara resides in meeting the competence requirements of the societal environment by providing superior training at undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels. Bearing fundamental values, the university mission reflects at the same time concern for the future of society, by tracing its development at local, regional, national, and international levels.
The structure of Politehnica University Timisoara includes faculties, departments, chairs, institutes and research centers, laboratories, libraries, hostels, canteens, sports facilities, technical and administrative services, a publishing house and a printing center, and a student medical center. The 10 faculties of the university provide education programs to approximately 13,500 students. Within the 25 departments of the university work nearly 700 teachers and the auxiliary and administrative personnel amount to 500 staff.
Politehnica University Timisoara is recognized as an outstanding actor on the research stage both nationally and internationally. The existence and operation of an important number of research centers (25), in which research teams successfully put into practice the research strategy of the institution, offer the university its international prestige and at the same time, provide funding sources for its development. The materialization of the research results in scientific papers, patents or products constitutes a guarantee of the institutional competence, thoroughness and professionalism.
The didactic activity of Politehnica University Timisoara is organized in line with the Bologna paradigm; the study programs correspond to three cycles, BACHELOR, MASTER and DOCTORAL STUDIES. Interested in responding to the labor market demands and to the need for long-life training and development required by the complex challenges of the modern society, Politehnica University Timisoara organizes POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMS, whose main objective is to update / develop / improve numerous academic qualifications. The portfolio of specializations offered by the Politehnica University Timisoara meets the needs of contemporary society, reflecting the close relationship the university holds with the socio-economic environment. The specializations are continually adapted to the latest trends in the field, and thus meet the theoretical and practical training requirements needed by graduates on the labor market.
Politehnica University Timisoara has an infrastructure which ensures best conditions for teaching and research. The excellent spaces and equipment which the university offers are a consequence of the last decade’s modernization and investing concerns.
Fully consistent with its mission with the desire to assert itself internationally, Politehnica University Timisoara is currently developing fruitful collaboration with many universities in Europe, USA, Canada, South America and Asia, resulting in over 190 cooperation agreements concluded directly or under European Union programs.
The university`s campus includes 16 student hostels offering approximately 6500 beds, a student cafeteria, a student medical center and two modern sports centers.
Poland Polskie Towarzystwo Ergonomiczne
President and Council Member IEA: Prof. Jerzy Lewandowski. Email:
Secretarty: Iwona Grabarek, PhD, Associate Professor. Email:
PTERg representative in FEES: Witold Grzywiński, PhD, Associate Professor
About PUT
Poznan University of Technology (PUT) grew out of the State School of Mechanical Engineering which was established in 1919. Currently, it is one of the leading technical universities in Poland. PUT trains highly qualified personnel in the field of engineering, in close liaison with research, technology development and innovation, in partnership with the economy and society. Its educational offer includes three-stage ECTS from engineering by the master to doctoral. Today, the Poznan University of Technology offers education at 9 faculties, running a total of 31 fields of study. 16,000 students of I and II cycles, PhD students and participants of post-graduate programmes receive education here. Over 1,300 academic staff cares about their education. Implementation of PUT’s mission enables the vision to become reality – to be one of the best technical universities in Poland, which aspires to become an equipollent partner of other European schools in terms of education quality and high level of scientific research. PUT was the first Polish institution of higher education to become a member of CESAER (Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research) – a European organisation that brings together the best technical schools. It is also a member of SEFI (Societe Europeenne pour la Formation des Ingenieurs), EUA (European University Association), ADUEM (Alliance of Universities for Democracy) and IAU (International Association of Universities). PUT takes an active part in scientific exchange, international projects and cooperation with many international and national companies and research institutions. The university realized 258 projects from external funding. In the 7th framework (FP7), funding for PUT amounted to over 6 million euros with 29 projects.
Ergonomics Society of Serbia become member of Federation of the European Ergonomics Societies (FEES) in the Florence council meeting, 2018.
President: Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Zunjic
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kraljice Marije 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Vice-President & Secretary General: Prof. Dr. Svetlana Cicevic
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Vojvode Stepe 305, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Vice-President: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evica Stojiljkovic
University of Nis, Faculty of Occupational Health, Carnojevica 10A, 18000 Nis, Serbia
History and general information about ESS
Ergonomics Society of Serbia originates from The Yugoslav Society for Ergonomics. Yugoslav Society for Ergonomics was established 14.4.1973., after the first international conference in the field of ergonomics entitled "System Human - Machine and Environment" in former Yugoslavia that was held in 1972 in Belgrade (Serbia). Bearing this in mind, the activity of members of the Society has a tradition of over 40 years. The name Ergonomics Society of Serbia originates from 22.12.2007.
In the largest extent, Ergonomics in Serbia is studied at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade (4 courses). In addition, ergonomics has been studied at the several other faculties of the University of Belgrade, as well as at the University of Nis, and some other faculties and higher schools in Serbia. ESS currently has 40 members.
Wider affirmation of ergonomics in the society as a whole.
More massive application of ergonomics in companies.
Creation of climate that will bring to the more massive employment of ergonomists in companies.
International scientific cooperation, as well as cooperation in the practical domain with members of FEES and IEA, including the promotion of contemporary ergonomic solutions.
Work on the promotion of ergonomic scientific thought, and in this regard, promotion of the new journal in the domain of ergonomics IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety .
Slovakia Slovak Ergonomics Association
Adress web :
President. Milan Hulin, Univerzitna 8413/6. Email:
Cieľ Slovenskej ergonomickej spoločnosti
Cieľom Slovenskej ergonomickej spoločnosti (SES) je dobrovoľne združovať občanov a organizácie, ktoré majú záujem o zdokonaľovanie ergonomickej úrovne výrobkov, výrobných prostriedkov a procesov, o humanizáciu práce a pracovných podmienok. SES vznikla v roku 1993 v nadväznosti na rozdelenie Československej republiky a rozdelenie Československej ergonomickej spoločnosti. Spoločnou činnosťou sa SES podiela na rozvoji poznatkov v oblasti ergonómie a ich daľšom šírení na úrovni akademickej, podnikovej i v oblasti verejného života jednotlivcov.
Svoju činnosť SES rozvíja v nasledovných oblastiach:
rozvoj ergonómie na Slovensku,
vzdelávacia, propagacná a informacná činnosť,
poradenská, expertízna a hodnotiteľská činnosť,
organizácia odborných a vedeckých podujatí v predmetnej oblasti,
publikačná činnosť,
spolupráca pri tvorbe noriem, vyhlášok a nariadení v predmetnej oblasti.
Hlavným cieľom je zvyšovanie humanizácie práce v nadväznosti na produktivitu a kvalitu ľudskej práce. Aktivity združenia sú realizované prostredníctvom členov a partnerov, ktorými sú priemyselné podniky, konzultačné spoločnosti, výskumné organizácie, univerzitné pracoviská, pracovné zdravotné služby alebo aj jednotlivci pracujúci v uvedených oblastiach.
Italy Societa Italiana di Ergonomia
Adress web:
Presidente: Tommaso Bellandi, Direttore UOC Sicurezza del Paziente, Azienda USL Toscana Nord Ovest, Cittadella della Salute, Lucca. Professore a contratto in Risk Management Università degli Studi di Firenze. Tel. 366 5675566. Email :
General Secretary : Giulio Toccafondi, Laboratorio per le attività di studio e ricerca applicata del Centro Gestione Rischio Clinico e Sicurezza del Paziente, Villa La quiete alle Montalve, Firenze. Tel. 055 7949615. Email :
Active FEES membership
Condotta Professionale
La condotta di tutti i Soci deve essere irreprensibile e basarsi sul mantenimento dei più alti livelli di professionalità; in particolare nell'esercizio della professione i Soci dovranno tenere bene in considerazione quanto segue:
mantenere sempre integrità, obiettività e rispetto della realtà esistente
comportarsi in modo tale da non compromettere mai l'onestà della professione
cercare di promuovere lo studio dell'ergonomia e di diffondere le conoscenze ergonomiche per il bene dell'uomo e della società
mirare sempre al raggiungimento delle condizioni di benessere di tutte le persone, ogni volta che ciò sia in relazione diretta o indiretta con i compiti da esse svolti
non usare mai distinzioni basate sulla razza, disabilità, genere, preferenze sessuali, età, religione o nazionalità come criteri per la selezione e la formazione del personale per qualsiasi lavoro nel quale queste differenze sono totalmente irrilevanti
tenere in considerazione con grande attenzione le aspettative sociali e morali della comunità nella quale lavorano
non utilizzare la loro posizione di insegnanti/professori, di pubblici ufficiali/amministratori o di datori di lavoro/dirigenti o qualsiasi altra posizione di potere per coercire o influenzare altri
evitare tutte le situazioni che possono comportare conflitti di interesse e darne comunicazione scrupolosa a tutte le parti potenzialmente colpite
fare in modo di verificare che le persone che lavorano sotto la loro supervisione agiscano secondo il codice dell'etica professionale
ogni volta che verranno a conoscenza di comportamenti professionali inadeguati da parte di colleghi, qualora non fosse possibile risolvere il problema discutendo direttamente con gli interessati, renderanno noto tale comportamento all'Esecutivo ed al Consiglio Direttivo della SIE ed al Segretario Generale dell'International Ergonomics Association, svolgendo tale compito in perfetta buona fede.
Qualifiche professionali
Nello svolgimento della loro professione i Soci:
si assumeranno la responsabilità di rappresentare il più fedelmente possibile i loro titoli professionali e l'organizzazione che rappresentano
non richiederanno mai false attestazioni di qualifiche professionali, affiliazioni, qualità/caratteristiche e competenze per se stessi né per le proprie organizzazioni
presenteranno un quadro dettagliato della propria formazione ogni volta che una breve sintesi delle qualifiche personali potrebbe essere ingannevole o lacunosa.
Inoltre non consentiranno mai che il loro nome venga utilizzato in associazione con le loro funzioni in modo da screditarne la natura e l'efficienza. Qualora le predette situazioni dovessero verificarsi a loro insaputa, i Soci si affretteranno a smentirle e correggerle non appena ne siano venuti a conoscenza cercheranno di mantenere e sviluppare la loro competenza professionale, sforzandosi di individuare i fattori che eventualmente la limitassero allo scopo di eliminarne l'incidenza mediante opportune modificazioni di conoscenza ed esperienza.
Proatica professionale
Nell'esercizio della loro professione i Soci:
limiteranno la pratica professionale a quelle aree dell'ergonomia per le quali sono qualificati in virtù della propria formazione e/o esperienza, senza estenderla oltre l'ambito della propria competenza
ogni volta che saranno richiesti di provvedere servizi che non rientrano nella loro competenza professionale, forniranno ogni collaborazione per ottenerli da parte delle persone specificamente qualificate
non presenteranno mai in modo ingannevole o ingiustificato l'efficacia dei propri metodi. Inoltre non pubblicizzeranno i loro servizi in modo da creare aspettative irrealizzabili
non utilizzeranno l'appartenenza alla SIE e/o IEA o alle altre Associazioni federate in modo da creare l'impressione di tacito accordo e coinvolgimento da parte di queste Associazioni
eviteranno qualsiasi atteggiamento esagerato, superficiale o ingannevole. Eviteranno anche qualsiasi travisamento in tutti i rapporti e documenti con clienti, committenti/datori di lavoro o mezzi di comunicazione ed informazione
terranno nella massima considerazione la sicurezza, le caratteristiche individuali e la salute di tutti
manterranno la riservatezza delle informazioni acquisite attraverso la loro pratica professionale e proteggeranno la riservatezza degli individui e delle organizzazioni delle quali abbiano acquisito informazioni. Inoltre non divulgheranno l'identità degli individui e delle organizzazioni che a loro si affidano senza l'espressa autorizzazione da parte degli interessati
non chiederanno né accetteranno benefici economici e/o materiali da coloro che ricevono i loro servizi, oltre a quelli legittimamente pattuiti. Non accetteranno inoltre compensi da più di una fonte per lo stesso lavoro senza il consenso di tutte le parti in causa
non pubblicizzeranno le loro prestazioni professionali né solleciteranno lavori in tutte quelle circostanze nelle quali potrebbero nuocere o mettere in cattiva luce l'ergonomia e/o i colleghi professionisti
si asterranno dall'offrire servizi professionali a persone o organizzazioni che già li stanno ricevendo da altri Soci, a meno che questi non ne siano al corrente
si asterranno da commenti pubblici ostili e dal criticare le opinioni, i lavori e la condotta di colleghi, a meno che si tratti di persone la cui attività minacci i diritti o il benessere degli altri.
Nell'esercitare la loro professione i Soci si attiveranno per creare opportunità di sviluppo e di promozione per tutti coloro con i quali entrano in contatto.
I Soci che sono interessati nella ricerca seguiranno il seguente elenco di principi per quanto si riferisce alla condotta delle ricerche ed alla loro divulgazione:
Gestione della ricerca Tutti i Soci che fanno ricerca dovrebbero aderire alla Convenzione di Ginevra ed all'Accordo di Helsinki nel trattare esseri umani ed animali, oltre a rispettare leggi e regolamenti nazionali e locali, come in generale le procedure stabilite all'interno della comunità scientifica. In particolare:
verificheranno che le loro ricerche abbiano prospettive di vantaggi ben oltre i limiti della non esposizione a rischi per gli uomini e gli animali coinvolti. Inoltre determineranno scrupolosamente e con la massima cautela possibile l'esposizione a rischi e stress di coloro che sono coinvolti nella ricerca e li divulgheranno con il massimo scrupolo
determineranno attentamente ed il più accuratamente possibile il grado di pericolo presente nelle ricerche che stanno conducendo eliminando il più possibile l'esposizione dei soggetti, in modo da avere la garanzia che nessun danno possa essere procurato all'uomo. Garantiranno che qualsiasi esperimento venga immediatamente interrotto qualora l'esposizione del soggetto ai pericoli superi la soglia comunemente accettata. Inoltre, se necessario, predisporranno le cure mediche del caso
assicureranno che i principi e la pratica dell'etica professionale vengano seguiti nei loro laboratori di ricerca da parte di tutti i loro collaboratori, assistenti, studenti ed impiegati
intraprenderanno solo quei progetti di ricerca che siano stati approvati dai competenti Comitati Etici di controllo. Dovranno inoltre stabilire un protocollo di consenso per i soggetti coinvolti. Ogni informazione dovrà essere fornita in un linguaggio chiaro e completo ed indicherà le condizioni di collaborazione con particolare riferimento agli aspetti relativi agli elementi di rischio, stress e pericolo facenti parte dell'intero esperimento
autorizzeranno i soggetti che hanno accettato di partecipare alla ricerca ad interrompere gli esperimenti in qualsiasi momento lo ritengano necessario, in assoluta autonomia. L'identità dei soggetti della ricerca sarà sempre tenuta anonima a meno che gli interessati non diano il permesso per la divulgazione
non costringeranno nessun soggetto potenzialmente utile per la ricerca a partecipare in un progetto né utilizzeranno premi economici non dovuti per indurre le persone ad assumersi rischi che altrimenti non correrebbero.
L'informazione circa le ricerche Nell'esercizio della loro professione di ricercatori, i Soci che sono impegnati in ricerche o attività didattiche hanno l'obbligo di relazionare circa i loro lavori alla comunità scientifica generale e di valorizzare coloro che hanno contribuito professionalmente al loro lavoro:
le relazioni saranno pubblicate sulle riviste scientifiche o presentate durante incontri scientifici delle Società di Ergonomia
i Soci dovranno accertarsi dell'integrità e della precisione dei dati registrati e delle conclusioni prima di riportarli alla comunità scientifica. Inoltre dovranno mantenere il più alto grado di rigore scientifico negli esperimenti, nell'analisi e nell'esposizione dei risultati riportati
ai Soci spetterà anche il mantenere il più alto grado di obiettività ogni volta che recensissero o curassero la pubblicazione di lavori di colleghi. In particolare devono garantire che la loro obiettività non sia influenzata dalle proprie opinioni nel caso in cui i dati ed i risultati riportati contrastino con propri lavori precedentemente pubblicati
non plageranno i lavori altrui. Lavori e citazioni prese da altri studiosi dovranno essere riconoscibili e riportare l'indicazione della fonte originaria
metteranno particolare attenzione nella comunicazione nell'ambito della ricerca, in modo da ottimizzarne la comprensione da parte dei professionisti in vista di potenziali applicazioni/utilizzi industriali, nel caso ciò sia previsto. Perciò le indicazioni di progetto devono essere indirizzate là dove possano essere utilizzate.
Norme disciplinari
La SIE e l'IEA possono prendere appropriati provvedimenti disciplinari nei casi di violazioni anche parziali di questo Codice Deontologico da parte dei Soci.
About Substrata
Substrata was founded in September 1990 by Mr. Mladen Fabrio and in 2013 was succeeded by his stepdaughter Marcela Škobalj. We develop tailor-made solutions to challenging problems for our clients. As a competent service provider, Substrata supports public and private sector in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European countries, Asia and Africa in achieving their objectives.
For more than 25 years, capacity development has been one of the key services delivered by Substrata. Around the globe, we advise people and organizations on learning and change processes.
Switzerland SwissErgo
Address: SwissErgo
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Ergonomie
CH-3000, Bern, Schweiz
Address web:
Co-Presidents: Charles Burckhardt and David Bozier
IEA council member: Fabia Dell’Era Eur.Erg.
Treasurer: Dr Samuel Schluep Eur.Erg.
Email :
Secretary: Andréanne Gagnon
FEES representative: PD Dr Marino Menozzi
Phone: +41 (44) 632 39 81. Email:
Webmaster: Frédérique Thurnherr
The Swiss Ergonomics Association, in short SwissErgo, is the umbrella organization for all ergonomists and people involved in ergonomics in Switzerland. SwissErgo is a member of the Swiss Federation of Societies for Safety and Health at Work (Suissepro). Internationally SwissErgo is active as a member of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), the Centre for Registration of European Ergonomists (CREE) as well as the Federation of European Ergonomics Societies (FEES). SwissErgo's goal is to promote ergonomics in academic studies and in professional practice.
SwissErgo was officially founded in spring 1999 with 26 founding members and has today more than 150 members. The association is “young” considering that in the second half of the last century Swiss ergonomists produced significant scientific contributions in the field and were at the forefront of the international development of ergonomics, with contributions from the Institute for Occupational Medicine and Ergonomics at the University of Geneva (Paule Rey, 1969-1994) and the Institute for Hygiene and Applied Physiology at the ETH Zurich (Etienne Grandjean 1950-1983 and Helmut Krueger 1983-2004). SwissErgo developed out of an ergonomics interest group founded by Maggie Graf (ergonomist at the Federal Department of Industry, Trade and Labour). The main aim at that time was to more formally represent the field of ergonomics to government authorities responsible for safety at work. Additionally it encourages experience exchange and promotes the education of ergonomics and ergonomists.
SwissErgo organizes experience exchange seminars and one-day conferences on current themes, mostly on an annual basis. Members of SwissErgo are active in all geographic and linguistic regions of Switzerland and members are active in the major areas of ergonomics, although there is a heavy concentration on physical ergonomics and work in occupational health. As an active member of CREE, SwissErgo also offers certification as a European Ergonomist (Eur.Erg.) to suitably qualified members.
After an initial rapid growth in membership to over 100 people, the development has slowed down. The closure of the ETH Institute for Hygiene and Applied Physiology and the dropping of the ergonomics stream in the Master of Work and Health course have reduced the number of people getting educated in the field at high level. On the other hand, there are growing numbers of courses at tertiary level, which train people in ergonomics, although it is not their major field of work. The recognition of ergonomics as an important part of occupational health and safety is still not legally anchored, but in practice more and more people are active as consultants in this area and SwissErgo is well-recognised as a discussion partner by the Swiss authorities. It can be seen that interest in the field of ergonomics is growing. However, our society is faced with new and different needs in terms of the availability of training programs in ergonomics.
Ergonomics has become more diverse, colorful and dynamic. It is the scientific discipline concerned with work, health and efficiency. Significant changes in the work environment are taking place today and these provide researchers and practitioners with new challenges. Traditional topics such as lighting, noise and handling of loads remain important, but new topics such as the effects of information technology on work and new interface products are still relatively unexplored. The world of work, the needs of society and the individual are subject to constant change. Ergonomics methods and standards (e.g. for work analysis and design) need to be frequently updated and improved as our knowledge grows. SwissErgo aims to contribute to this development by encouraging education and continual professional development.
Tavo Europa is more than just another NGO working on the development of society by making those choices. It is a platform that gathers youth and different kind of experts who work together. We are home for the knowledge-hungry professionals that deeply care about their job, about career development and about youth.
This is a safe place where non-formal education methods meet different environments and miracles really begin to happen. Teachers, trainers, instructors, researchers, activists and youth leaders gather together to make the choice – bring a positive change, while giving floor to youth and helping them advance their major skills.
About TUV
The Technical University of Varna (TUV) is a public institution and one of the leading Higher Education Institutions and research innovation centres in Bulgaria. In the University more than 5000 students and over 300 PhD students take part in 33 Bachelor, 38 Master and 29 Doctoral courses and programs. Structurally, the University is comprised of 4 faculties: Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering and Technologies, Faculty of Shipbuilding, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Computer Sciences and Automation, 2 colleges and 22 departments that include a staff of 218 professors and assistant professors. The University has over 67500 square meters of building premises that include 12 buildings with over: 100 classrooms; 50 lecture halls; a modern sports centre and research and educational laboratories equipped with modern and state of the art equipment. Some of the centres and labs are: “Advanced technologies in design centre”, “CAD-CAM Lab”, “Applied technologies in Health Care”, “Samsung Innovation Lab”, “Naval architecture and marine technology centre”, “Mikrotik Lab”. The University has more than 120 contracts for international cooperation in education and research. In close agreement with all new requirements in the area of education, the TUV is transforming into an institution providing lifelong learning through the development of long-term learning services, the introduction of new forms and methods of training, establishing long-term partnerships for industry scientific service and creating permanent integration with Bulgarian and European universities through participation in joint projects. The University is experienced in the development and implementation of educational and research projects under various programs Erasmus+, CEEPUS, Horizon 2020, Frameworks programs, Leonardo da Vinci, Tempus, projects under the Operational Programs founded by the EU. The TUV is accredited by the Bulgarian National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation and is ISO certified. The university is a member of the European University Association (EUA) and it is the first Bulgarian university accredited by EUA. TUV is a centre in research in the fields of Ergonomics (Ergonomics and Human Factors, Cognitive ergonomics, 3D models), Advanced technologies in design, Bioengineering, healthcare-related information technology solutions, occupational health and safety, integrated working science, psychology, the social and economic impact of healthcare-related innovations. In these areas at the university are formed, interdisciplinary research teams. For the development of scientific research and practically applied works in the field, active links are maintained with medical centres, health service provider organizations, laboratories and business. TUV collaborates closely with the Municipality of Varna in projects dedicated to ‘science in society and citizenship. Ergonomics, occupational health and safety and the various aspects of the health care-related innovations are topics in teaching in Bachelor and Master Programs, provided by the chairs of Industrial Design, Communication Engineering and Technologies, Social and Legal Sciences. Within a project under the Operative Program “Competitiveness of Bulgarian economy 2007-2013” a Center “Applied technologies in Health Care” is created. The interdisciplinary Center integrates innovation technologies in health care, ergonomics, information and communication technologies, psychology, social, economic and management sciences. At the TUV under the H2020 MAXIMA project, a laboratory for computer simulation in medicine is established. TUV is a partner in CIII-HU-1506-01-2021 Ergonomics and Human Factors Regional Educational CEEPUS Network with Coordinator Òbuda University, Budapest, Hungary and partners from Austria, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Croatia and Slovenia.
About UV
Empowering Futures, Together
Awareness & Education
Sparking curiosity and facilitating knowledge-sharing through seminars, discussions, and panels.
Networking & Collaboration
Connecting minds, forging partnerships, and building a solid foundation for global impact.
Youth Empowerment
Harnessing the energy, creativity, and spirit of the youth to drive change and innovation.
United Vision is more than just an association—it’s a dynamic community of visionaries, thinkers, and change-makers. We’re on a mission to redefine what’s possible through collaboration and shared purpose. And we’re inviting you to be part of this exciting journey.
By joining our movement, you’re not just becoming a member. You’re stepping into a space where your voice matters, where your ideas come to life, and where every effort is amplified through collective action.
Whether you’re an individual with a burning passion to make a difference or an organization looking to expand its horizons, there’s a place for you at United Vision. Together, we can
About UB
The University of Bordeaux is ranked among the top French universities for the quality of its education and research. A multidisciplinary, research-focused, international institution, it leads an ambitious development program with its partners to further promote Bordeaux as a “Campus of Excellence”.
About UPC
The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) is a public institution of research and higher education in the fields of engineering, architecture, sciences and technology, and one of the leading technical universities in Europe. Every year, more than 6,000 bachelor’s and master’s students, more than 500 doctoral students graduate and 3,067 graduates in lifelong learning. The UPC has a high graduate employment rate: 93% of its graduates are in work and 76% find a job in under three months. It is ranked in the main international rankings.
Rector's greeting
The UPC of the future is based on three main pillars. The first is our commitment to training competent professionals who can join the productive sector and promote the economic progress of Catalonia and who put people’s lives and the sustainability of the planet at the centre. The second is excellence in research and technology transfer, together with training creative, brave and talented young people who will have to face and solve the social and environmental challenges that lie not so far ahead. The third is our territorial embeddedness: we are the Catalan university that is spread over the largest area, and we are proud to be close to the companies and small and large cities that make up Catalonia.
UPC campuses and broader presence
The UPC has a wide spread presence in Catalonia, with nine campuses located in Barcelona and nearby towns: Castelldefels, Manresa, Sant Adrià de Besòs, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Terrassa, and Vilanova i la Geltrú.
The campuses are accessible, well connected by public transport and equipped with the necessary facilities and services to contribute to learning, research and university life.
Discover the UPC campuses in all their extension, as well as their urban location.
About UP
The University of Presov ranks among the most renowned and distinguished universities in the Slovak Republic. The University was officially established by Act No. 361/1996 Coll. on the division of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice with effect from 1 January 1997. This historical event completed the effort of Prešov to create its own university having lasted for several years. In the period of two decades, the University of Presov has developed and grown gradually. The institution defended its status of a university in 2010. It is a member of Danube Rectors Conference (DRC), the European Universities Association (EUA) and the National Rectors Conference with the main aim to promote a unified system of higher education in Europe. The University of Presov is also a co-founder of the Alliance of the Central-Eastern European Universities and Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI). In November 2011, University of Presov was awarded the National Prize of the Slovak Republic for the quality in category C3 (other public sector organizations) as the only university in Slovakia.
The University consists of 8 faculties which offer a number of accredited study programmes in all 3 degrees (Bachelor, Magister and Doctoral degree) and in both full-time and part-time form. The University of Presov develops an intense research activity and it has three Centres of excellence. A wide range of courses and educational products are offered by the Centre of Competences and Lifelong Learning. Apart from its main mission, the University of Presov creates suitable conditions for student artistic activities (choirs, dancing groups, student theatres etc.). Moreover, students have possibility to participate in extra-curricular activities (University magazine NA PULZE, University radio PaF, student television – TV MEDIALKA, journal Unipo Press). The students can develop their talent in various sport clubs such as TJ Slávia PU Presov, University volleyball club VK Mirad PU Presov and University basketball club and they are also offered dancing lessons by the University Dance Centre.
The University provides accommodation for students in the Halls of Residence as well as all-day meals in the Dining hall.
UNIWA was founded in March 2018 by the National Law 4521. The foundation of the newly established University came from the merging process of the former Technological Educational Institute of Athens and Piraeus.
The University of Applied Sciences. In 2019, the National School of Public Health joined the newly established university.
UNIWA operates with high educational and research standards and strives to respond to the ever-increasing demands of a modern society for the creation of executives that have attained a solid scientific and technological background.
The newly established university is the third largest in the country in terms of student numbers. It has approximately 52,000 undergraduate, 1,150 postgraduate and 210 doctoral students. UNIWA has expanded to three Campuses within the metropolitan region of Athens. The Egaleo Park Campus lays in the administrative boundaries of the Municipality of Egaleo, surrounded by the streets Milou, Agiou Spyridonos, Dimitsanis, and Edessis. The Ancient Olive Grove Campus is also located in the Municipality of Egaleo, on Petrou Ralli and Thivon Streets, on the border of the historic Athens Olive Grove, where Ancient Athenian Philosophers gave academic lectures. Finally, the Athens Campus is located in the Municipality of Athens on Alexandras Avenue and is housed in the premises of the former National School of Public Health in a building of particular historical value that underwent restoration works a few years ago. The operation of the institution is supported by its highly-qualified and experienced administrative staff.
University maintains permanent partnerships with other domestic and foreign educational and research institutions, with the aim of continually improving the level of study. In addition, it is highly involved in various European Union Programs aiming for international collaborations, development of innovation and dissemination of knowledge.
Postgraduate programs are a high priority at UNIWA as it offers a wide range of programmes (departmental, interdepartmental, inter-institutional and interstate ones), covering a variety of scientific fields, thus enabling graduates to promote science and claim their place in the labor market.
About UZG
The University of Zielona Góra belongs to the elite group of 18 classical Polish universities. In the academic year 2020/2021, the University offered I, II and III-cycle programmes of study to 10,000 intramural and extramural students. In 2021 UZ celebrates the 20th anniversary of its foundation. It is worth noting that the academic community and traditions of the city go back to 1965.
‘The mission of the University of Zielona Góra is to promote equal opportunities for the development of the region and its inhabitants and to increase the intellectual, economic and artistic potential by educating high-quality professional staff and conducting advanced research. The University aims to educate highly qualified specialists indispensable for the region, Poland and the united Europe.’
The Vision of the University of Zielona Góra ‘As a full-fledged university, UZ aims to extend its authority to confer doctoral and post-doctoral degrees. All the basic organizational units of the University will be granted the highest research categories. The academic staff will conduct high-quality academic and research work and participate actively in the European Research Space and the European System of Higher Education. To a large extent this work will be financed from state and European academic and research grants. The University of Zielona Góra intends to initiate and support the cooperation with public institutions and business.’
About ValueDo
ValueDo s.r.l. is a company specialized in introducing innovation in Universities and public bodies, especially in the fields of e-learning and blended education. It also provides training and support in the fields of entrepreneurial education, addressed both to start-uppers and already established companies. The company adopts its own methodologies and other tools developed by managers and employees within other European projects. The company provides also consulting and support to public administrations, enterprises of all dimensions, local bodies, research centres, and universities, toward access to European Structural and Investments Funds (ESIF). Currently, Valuedo is partner in 5 Knowledge Alliances projects, in all the case with the role of supporting the Universities in the digital transformation processes and embedding new digital technologies as good practices in their training activities. Valuedo provides its services independently to the Faculty of teaching sector of the Universities: indeed its activities vary from the topics of agriculture education (SPARKLE and e-TOMATO projects), medicine (SAFETY), IT and Artificial Intelligence (PLANET4), Industrial Engineering and Management (IE3). It is also partner in two Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education projects: FUTURES, where the company applies its innovative strategies to the field of future-literacy and foresight for training University students, early-stage researchers and high-school students in the design of their personal and professional development; and HOTSUP, aimed at enhancing HEI educators skills for enabling them to develop digital training contents for learners attending courses in the virtual/extended class. Furthermore, ValueDo carries out an activity of research dedicated to the evaluation and definition of strategies and the best initiatives within the strategic planning in addition to the use of EU structural funds. ValueDo manages the coworking space 91C on public socioeconomic innovation policies in Florence. In the company’s network, there are many professionals and companies that can be activated in case of researches, investigations, and other fields of research in order to involve them in educational activities.